Character-Declan Van Helsing

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Character Details

Character Details
Real Name: Declan Van Helsing MF-Van-Helsing-Hero-v01.png
Specialty: Vampire hunter
Team Affiliation:

Monster Force

Character Biography

Declan Van Helsing had a lot to live up to. The Van Helsings were known in the shadow world for having vanquished the most dangerous vampires in the world. But for Declan, those were only stories. Trained as a vampire hunter, he has never had to battle with anything worse than the occasional newblood in a back alley. He rose through the army rangers, seeing combat in numerous conflicts in clandestine warzones, and when his tour was over, he was recruited by the C.I.A. It was while he was operating out of Egypt that the troubles began. He saw with his own eyes the destruction of the undead soldiers of the Forgotten King.

When the Apophis Legion began appearing in other parts of the world, collecting strange relics by cover night, Washington became desperate. It was Declan who suggested unlocking one particular vault of the Van Helsing Tomb – releasing a monster to fight a monster. With the full support of Washington, but against the vehement opposition of his family, Declan is now responsible for handling the one who slept in that vault… Dracula.

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