Character-Forgotten King

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Character Details

Character Details
Real Name: MF-ForgottenKing-Hero-v01.png
Birthplace: Egypt
Team Affiliation:

Apophis Legion

Character Biography

From the depths of the Egyptian sands has risen a monster of incredible power. Wrapped in the bandages and raiment of an ancient king, there is little doubt that he once ruled Egypt in the darkest corners of man’s past. But his name does not appear on the List of Kings, suggesting that his reign was so brutal, so sacrilegious, that his name was forever stricken from history.

Why he has risen now is yet another mystery, but he has wasted no time in resurrecting a small army. He regularly adds to his ranks, re-animating the same soldiers sent to kill him. He is capable of moving without a trace, somehow appearing in different places around the world with his Apophis Legion in tow, but his targets are always ancient relics, which he collects for some unknown purpose. Museums, churches, desolate ruins, or city centers, his forces appear in a whirlwind of sand, and kill any who stand in his path.

The abilities that he has displayed so far include the manipulation of sands, the summoning of desert creatures including snakes, scarabs, and scorpions, and the ability to raise the dead. There have been further hints of psychic powers, but the true extent of his capabilities remain unknown. Our only hope at this point is that Dracula can defeat him before his collection is completed, and his sinister endgame is put in motion.

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