Character-Apophis Legion

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Character Details

Character Details
Real Name: Apophis Legion zombie_full_1.png
Specialty: Dying
Team Affiliation:

Apophis Legion

Character Biography

The undead thralls of the Forgotten King have been tentatively codenamed “The Apophis Legion,” after the world-devouring demon of Egyptian mythology. These soldiers were special forces from varied nations around the world, sent to kill the Forgotten King in the nights since his first appearance. They were slaughtered and then resurrected, becoming the terrifying skull-faced minions of the Dark Pharaoh. Now, they serve him unquestioningly.

They cannot be killed by obvious means. In fact, the only one that has been successfully destroyed was only after capture and days of exorcism. Apart from their un-killable state, they also seem to radiate some sort of curse. Soldiers and civilians who have come in contact with the Legion have reported unsettling visions and the hearing of voices, long after exposure. Frightening dreams, and a compulsion to write long strings of hieroglyphics have also been observed.

It does appear that the Apophis soldiers recall their mortal memories, because they retain the ability to operate complex weaponry and use battlefield tactics that would have been unknown in the Forgotten King’s time of origin. As to whether they remember their individual lives outside of the ability to wage war remains an important question.

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