Character-Agent Grimm

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Character Details

Character Details
Real Name: TBD agent_grimm_full_1.png MF-Agent-Grimm-Hero-v01.png
Birthplace: TBD
Specialty: TBD
Team Affiliation:

Grimm Reapers
Monster Force

Character Biography

Agent Grimm made quite a name for himself, but unfortunately it was a bad name. A former military operative who specialized in black ops, Agent Grimm had grown to resent those in charge, feeling like they didn't truly understand what it meant to defend freedom. Fearing the country he served was sliding backwards into a capitalist morass of corporate interjection, the appeal of R.I.O.T. drew him in. He envisioned the organization shaking the world to its core and revealing what values were really important.

Once he got inside R.I.O.T. he started having some second thoughts, questioning their true motives. During a particularly stressful operation, Baron Von Chill II grew concerned about Grimm's motivation to serve R.I.O.T.'s cause. He turned on him and left him for dead, convinced that he wasn't a true believer.

But Grimm didn't die. Or, as the rumors say, perhaps he did but somehow came back. The truth behind those events has never been revealed, and Grimm likes it that way. The important thing was that Agent Grimm swore vengeance on Baron Von Chill II and the entire R.I.O.T. organization. Hand picking a team of specialized commandos called the Grimm Reapers, he began launching counter attacks against R.I.O.T. strongholds and using his inside knowledge to plan strategic assaults. The Grimm Reapers were a small team, but exceptionally highly trained and willing to go above and beyond moral boundaries to get the job done.

It's no wonder that General Brown gravitated to Grimm once he learned of the Reapers' success rate against R.I.O.T. targets and their sheer brutality when it came to combat. While he questioned their methods against human foes, once the deadly secrets of supernatural lore were revealed, Brown thought Grimm's particularly nasty form of combat might be what it took to get the upper hand.

In truth, Brown had heard the rumors. He'd learned of the stories of Agent Grimm's mythical ability to somehow avoid death. As he further researched the black ops specialist, more and more events came to pass when it seemed as if there was no possible way Grimm could have survived...yet he did. General Brown traced back Grimm's lineage for generations, finding some connections to the Brothers Grimm, those fairy tale storytellers from centuries ago...and he wondered just how much Agent Grimm might have in common with some of the creatures he was now up against.

Wanting to keep the circle tight, and wanting to keep an eye on Grimm and his potentially special abilities, General Brown elected to bring him on solo in certain situations. Brown figured that Agent Grimm might be more apt to lean on these rumored mystical powers if he wasn't surrounded by his Reapers, but to date, no evidence has surfaced that Grimm has any ability beyond an uncanny knack for survival. Sometimes that's enough, especially when you're going up against creatures the likes of which we've never seen.

Notable Commendations

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